Should You Build A Pool Before Or After Your House?
You’re planning your new-build home – that’s exciting! But you need to stick to a budget – that’s frustrating! When juggling budgets, it’s tempting to just ‘do the basics’, get in quick, and schedule the luxuries for later, when you’ve had a chance to refill the money pot. But in the case of adding a pool to your build, this could be a false economy that’s setting up trouble for the future. If you really want a pool (and who doesn’t?), there are strong arguments for adding it to your house build plans from the get-go.

Cohesion And Consistency
One of the best reasons to include your pool from the start is style. No one in 2021 wants an 80s-style standalone pool that looks like it landed fully formed in your yard. Think of your pool and poolside area as an extension of your living space. It makes perfect sense to incorporate complementary materials and finishes indoors and out, to create a natural flow, all so much easier when done at the same time.
You can even design your home around your pool. When taking your house and pool as one project, your section becomes a blank canvas. It’s a unique opportunity to position doors, windows, patios and paths to make your pool accessible and a real focal point of the property.

Spend To Save
There are also practical and price benefits of building your pool and home in one go. You cut down on tradies’ time and costs by tackling both jobs together, with excavations and general mess confined to one big job, so site access doesn’t give you a major headache.
With your home plumbing, drainage and electric specifications all taking into account the extra demands of a pool, you’ll avoid pitfalls later on. And when you’re landscaping your yard, you won’t have to worry about digging it all up again in a few years to accommodate your pool.
Manage The Money
Financially, you’re taking on a major commitment building a home, and a good pool isn’t cheap either. But when your new pool is part of the main build, you can finance it through your mortgage, which is generally cheaper and more flexible than trying to take out a home improvement loan some time down the line.
An attractive and practical pool is also an investment in the value and marketability of your home. Pools are highly desirable in WA – one in five of us live in a home with a pool, and it’s bound to add value to your property.
...And Enjoy
Finally, think ahead to moving-in day. When you finally settle into your new home, you can properly relax and enjoy it, pool and all. After months of building disruption, dust and noise, would you really want to face it all again with a pool build in the future?
If this blog has convinced you to combine your house and pool build, get in touch with the experts at Factory Pools Perth – the best value for money pool suppliers in Western Australia. Our professional team has years of experience to make your pool build fit seamlessly with your new home project.