Important Tips On How You Can Keep Your Pool Area Safe

During the summer season, your fibreglass pool becomes the best spot in your house. However, it is also one of the most hazardous places. Without proper safety precautions, you might be at risk of drowning accidents. Simply put, water safety matters. Drowning is among the leading causes of death among children. Luckily, it is possible to prevent poolside accidents. By maintaining your pool and making your children take swimming lessons, you can reduce this risk. Read on to learn a few tips on how you can keep your pool area safe.

1. Install a fence around your pool area

If you want to make sure that your kids or pets don’t access the pool in your absence, installing a fence around your fibreglass swimming pool can be a reliable method. You should have it installed around the entire area so that it is separated from the rest of your backyard and your home. The pool fence can cost you somewhere in the range of $15 to $25 per foot. However, depending on your budget, you can still have a multitude of options. You have to buy a fence that is climb-proof. Also, make sure that your pets and children are not able to move through the slats. By adding a four-sided isolation fence, you can decrease the risk of drowning significantly.

Check out our complete pool maintenance checklist here! 

2. Watch your kids

This is one of the most important tips on this list. You have to watch your kids all the time. You got a fibreglass pool installed as a place where you and your loved ones can have some fun. But every year, children drown or get seriously hurt in residential pools. So, you should start by teaching your children how to swim. If your home opens into the pool area directly, installing a door alarm will alert you when someone opens it. It is normal for children to wander around and take a dip in the pool. You cannot let them get out of your sight, even for a minute. Most importantly, if they are in or around the pool, you have to watch them. Toys like styrofoam noodles and water wings are not safety devices. You should not let your child be unattended wearing these. 

3. Establish rules for household pool safety

You have to establish some household safety rules to control who can use the pool under what circumstances. Make sure that these rules are simple, easy to remember, and straightforward. Here are a few rules that you can establish for your home:

  1. No diving

  2. No swimming without an adult in the pool

  3. Do not leave the pool gate open

You have to regularly remind your kids of the rules so that they can remember and reinforce them. By talking about these rules constantly, you can make it easier for your kids to remember their responsibilities. You must be consistent in enforcing these rules so that they can understand what you really mean.

4. Buy a pool cover

Pool covers are not only important for keeping your pool clean, but also for water safety. However not every type of pool cover will do the job. In fact, winter covers and floating solar covers have an increased risk of drowning. Even though they look solid, they are unable to support weight. So, if your kid slips onto the cover, it is highly likely that they will get trapped underneath. You can buy a safety pool cover, which, when properly installed, can hold over 485 pounds per 5 sq.ft.

Here are our top solar pool covers!

5. Don’t use too many chemicals

Chemicals can help keep your pool clean. However, if you overdo it, it can be harmful to you and your loved ones. You should regularly check the chemical levels to make sure that they are optimal. When the level gets too high, add a neutralizing chemical and replace some of the pool water with fresh water.

6. Keep your pool drain covers intact and visible

If your pool’s drain covers are not visible, you won’t be able to see a swimmer who might be distressed under the water or entrapped on a drain. You must have clean pool water. Apart from making sure that they are visible, you also have to make sure that they are not chipped or broken. Tell your children to not swim or play around it or else they might get trapped and sucked in.

7. No running around the pool area

This is one of the most obvious tips for pool safety. No one, not even you, should be running around the pool area. It doesn’t matter what type of pool you have. Pool decks, especially the ones made from wood, are known to be slippery. Falling can result in serious injuries. You have to walk carefully. If you have the budget, you can install non-slip tiles. Even though concrete pavers are known to be slip-resistant, it is best to go slow as accidents can still happen.

8. Have safety equipment

Every pool needs two pieces of safety equipment—a safety hook for pulling people to safety and a life ring at least 17 inches in diameter that you can throw in the pool to help the distressed swimmer stay afloat. Also, keep a phone near the pool so that if there is an accident, you can make a call as quickly as possible.

9. Repair damages immediately

If there is any damage to the pool area, equipment, or decking, you should get it repaired immediately. Your pool railings and pool ladders should be secure so that people don’t get hurt while using them to get inside and out of the pool. By repairing the damage immediately, you can avoid tripping.

10. Teach your kids how to swim

By teaching your children how to swim, you are giving them the skills and strength to protect themselves in the water. In the case of small children, you should start by making them learn how to float on their backs. You should also tell them to cry for help during an emergency. It is best to get your child signed up for swimming lessons. This will help them learn the skills they need to survive in the water. 

Swimming pools are fun and relaxing. However, if you don’t monitor or maintain it properly, it can turn into a hazard. By following the above-mentioned tips, you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Check out our top ten reasons to buy a pool!