Five Reasons To Open Your Pool Early
When it’s cold and wet, your swimming pool is probably the last thing on your mind but when the daily temperature consistently tops 70 degrees during the day it’s time to open your pool!
This may be earlier than you expect, and you might not consider it to be prime swimming season, but here are five important reasons why you should open your pool early.

Start Your Fight Back Against Algae
Algae will start to form as soon temperatures begin to rise, so it makes sense to open your pool early and get a head start in keeping algae at bay. If you keep your pool covered for longer, the algae will continue to build-up. It means you’ll have more intensive cleaning to do when you take the cover off for the first time. This will require more chemicals and cost you more in the long run. Isn’t it better to open the pool early than wait an additional couple of months and be greeted by a mound of algae?
Take Stock Of Your Supplies
It can be easy to forget what condition your pool, pump and filter were in when you pulled the cover over for winter. Opening your pool early will give you time to stock up on chemicals and remove leaves and pollen. You can also check your ladders are safe to use.
Give Yourself Proper Cleaning And Maintenance Time
Did you know it’s best to leave about three weeks between opening your pool and actually using it? This is so you have time to ensure your pool is clean and balanced. Leave it too late and the temperatures will continue to rise while you’re still waiting for your pool to be safe to use.

Extend Your Swimming Season And Stay Healthy
Your pool doesn’t just have to be a place to cool off on a scorcher of a day, it can also help you stay fit and healthy. You may have got used to being fair weather swimmers in your household, but by opening your pool early you can extend your swimming season and start moving more, so get physical!
Aesthetics – Make Your Yard Look Good
A huge benefit of opening your pool early, is that it makes your yard more attractive. After a cold winter, who doesn’t want to enjoy those early spring-like days and to ‘lift the lid’ off your pool?
When the cover is off, your yard is instantly more appealing with the sparkling water enticing you to take a dip.
The average pool owner spends more time on their pool patio or decking than in the pool water, so the sooner it’s open, the quicker you can enjoy an early barbeque. It’s a resounding ‘yes’ to opening your pool early.
Factory Pools Perth provides and manufactures affordable, quality fibreglass pools. All the pools boast a lifetime structural warranty guarantee and are made in our Forrestdale factory near Perth. Our installation process is fast and efficient so why not visit our display centres in Joondalup, Mandurah and O’Connor to discover more?